Investing/Trading Course provides answers to the following:
Click here to go to the On-Line Course Lesson(s)
What is a market? 1 & 2
What is a stock; an Equity; a Security? 1
Why invest (trade) in the stock market? 1, 2 & 6
How do we buy stock(s)? How do we sell stock(s)? 3 & 5
What rules should we follow when buying (entry) 3, 4 & 5 or selling (exit) stocks?
What does supply and demand have to do with the price of a stock? 1 & 2
What order types can we (should we) use to enter 3 and/or to (exit) the market?
What is Fundamental Analysis? How to use this critical tool? 2
Does it matter which sector or industry a stock is in? 2
What is Technical Analysis? How to use this critical tool? 1, 2 & 4
How important are chart patterns, candlestick & bar charts? 3
What critical role does Money Management play? How 5 do we deal with risk?
What is a Trading Plan and how does it relate to a Method or System? 5
What does probability (variation) have to do with stock selection? 4
What role does common sense play in successful market action? 1 – 8
What emotions can counter successful market action? 5 & 8
What important resources are available for more 2 & 5 successful market action?
What are retracements and reversals? 7
What is the difference between investing and gambling? 6
What role does the daily News play in our market activities? 2
How important is a professional stock charting program for 1, 2, 4, 6 profitable market trading?
What does it mean to short the market? 5
What important chart indicators will help our trades 6 & 7 and how to use them?
What is the character of charts? 7
Company selection: How can I scan the stock market 4 looking for specific stocks to trade?
What is the difference between an Investor and a Trader? 2
What is the difference between – 3 & 4 Trend – Swing – Momentum – Position – trades?
Psychology – Mental (Emotional) Fitness for Traders 8
What is a Forex market? Book “Provident Investing” Section 8
How do we trade Options? Book “Provident Investing” Section 8
To see contents of our Investing/Trading Course, click here On-line Course
This book (285 pages) accompanies the 8-Lesson course.
Caveats –
- The market is not a casino, it is a different game. However, like the casino, the uninformed public will lose. The market is not rigged, it’s just that we must learn how it works.
- Discipline does not mean “Pig-headedness,” always remain flexible!
- When to buy and sell is more important than what to buy!
- Charts are the heartbeat of the market, however they are not always saying something.
- A trend line is not alive, but a measure of something that has already happened!
- The most critical element in this entire scheme is your trading plan!
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